28. Monster Lookalike

(Please forgive this author for some of the crude words used.)

"Let me help you." Doyun said to the other guy and took Byeongho's other free hand to help get him to where he was going.

Yongwoo wanted to refused but the younger guy was already pulling both of the along, so he just went along with it.

Doyun had done this, not even understanding why he is doing what he is doing.

"Ah! I did not take the room key!" Yongwoo exclaimed in annoyance at his own forgetfulness. He searched for his phone, in order to call someone to bring it over.

Doyun was secretly hoping that he would leave.

"Can you please watch over him, while I go and bring the Key card? I left my phone too, so I can't call someone else to bring it..."

"I don't mind." Doyun cuts him off, silently jumping in happiness but kept a calmed outlook.