56. Doubtful

"It is the final part of this whole draw. The 5 winners in this category will be entitled to their rewards in order of when their tickets get picked." 

The presenter paused before he asked, "You all read this rule when you signed up, right?"

"Yes!!!" The crowd responded with excitement, including those who had no idea that there would be a raffle going on at the program.

"I can see that you're all geared up. That's very good. So let me tell those who are not aware. 

Every person in this category would get the same kind of reward. The only difference is the duration and an extra gift for the last to be picked.

Winners are entitled to 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, and 5 years of full health insurance with our hospital for any blood relation oftheir choice. 

This is an all-expenses payment, and any other legitimate medical expenses that such a patient may be made to seek outside our hospital are subject to a refund from the hospital."