It’s nice to know someone’s on my side, regardless.

"I've been on a diet and have been on constant training. I was very hungry, so when I saw the chocolates, I ate them."

Everyone looked at Hugo with surprise. 

"What?!" Slater quickly snapped out of his shock, gazing at his big brother with disbelief. "You're the one who ate them!?" 

Nina pursed her lips. "Second brother, are you sure they're the same chocolates?"

Nina knew that it was Penny by heart. Hugo was known for his dedication and discipline. They had never seen him cheat, and he had always been upright. Their parents couldn't even make him eat if he was fasting. 

"Yes, they're the same chocolates." Hugo picked up one of the wrappers and examined it closely. "They're yummy."

"Second brother! Are you trying to cover for Penny!?" Slater frowned deeply, unable to accept this. 

Just like Nina, he was so sure Penny was the one who ate his precious sweets. He glared at Penny, infuriated that she was making Hugo lie for her!