Miss you

Unfortunately, Penny got stuck with Hugo throughout the day. He didn't show any kind of sign he wanted to leave her alone and she didn't have the heart to chase him away. It wasn't like he was bothering her or anything. So when dinner was over, she quickly went to her room to play with Chunchun and Tiana before bedtime. 

As for Hugo, after dinner, he idled in his room for a while before he went to see his father. 

Knocking on his father's study, he heard Charles say, "Come in."

When Hugo stepped inside, he saw his father sitting behind the wooden desk. Charles was wearing glasses, tipping them down his nose as his eyes snapped over the rim of his glasses. 

"Hugo? What are you doing here?" Surprised was evident in Charles's voice. 

Hugo didn't speak until he was standing in front of the table. "Dad, Penny mentioned she's going to meet her cousins tomorrow."

"Oh…" Charles was a little confused. "Yes, she will."