I should’ve killed them today!

The demonic little orc James and Slater witnessed changed back to a caring little piglet. They watched her pick up her nunchaku and slump on the floor, putting it back in her purple backpack before taking out a small medicine container. 

"Did that kid cement your butt in the cubicle?" Penny asked as she looked up at the open cubicle again. "You two come out here."

Slater and James instinctively crawled their way to her, afraid they'd get beaten up too. Sitting in front of her, they couldn't help but check what else did she had in her backpack. 

"Here." Penny tossed an ice pack on James and then on Slater. "You know where to use that, right?"

"Uh…" James gazed down at the ice pack and quickly pressed it on his upper arm.

When she snapped her eyes back to Slater, she crooked her finger at him. "Take off your clothes and come closer."

"What?" Slater froze, only to see her expression die. "O — okay. I will… take… off… my…"