Keep your enemy close. Love your enemy. Know your enemy… and kill them.

With how things blew out of proportion earlier, Penny was already expecting the stifling silence from everyone that would follow. Thus, she didn't expect Slater to come, and neither did she expect the person who first blew up to go to her room.

"Se— second brother?!"

Did he come here to blame her for Nina's departure?

Slater looked back and saw Hugo's grim face. "Second brother, what are you doing here?"

"To heal," was all Hugo said without looking at him. "Penny, can I come in?"

"Uh… sure."

The second her answer flew out of her mouth, Hugo pushed Slater to the side and entered her room. Hugo joined Penny on the floor, lying on his side, staring blankly at the unknown creature inside the cage. 


This time, it was Penny and Slater's time to be lost for words. They observed Hugo and they could see the dark clouds over him.