Leave her alone

After saying her piece, Penny went straight to the school infirmary where Lily and Ginnie went. When she arrived, the two girls were murmuring to each other. As soon as she saw Penny's figure from the corner of their eyes, they perked up. 

"Penny, is everything okay?" Ginnie jumped out of her seat while Penny approached. 

Lily's eyes also swirled with unspoken worry. "Penny, did you confront Ray?"

Penny didn't answer until she sat down beside the bed. "Mhm. I warned him."

The two girls looked at each other before casting their worried eyes on her. 

"It's fine now." Penny smiled. "If they pull this stunt again, that would be their last." she would tear down the entire star section. 

"Penny…" Lily reached out to Penny, making the latter raise her brows. "I don't think Ray knew about this. I'm not hurt, and that's more important."