Seventh rule of the Bennet Family

After all the patience and understanding Penny exercised toward this girl, Nina would still pull the same things repeatedly. Penny took a deep breath while the corner of her eyes sharpened. 


She didn't care anymore. They could all side with Nina for all she cares. After all, she came into this household without any expectations. Even when they were giving her some warmth they had never given her before and the attention she only sought in her first life, Penny was used to being unwanted. 

Meanwhile, Haines balled his hand into a tight fist. Nina might be wearing this pitiful and distressed look, but the brief glint in her eyes didn't go past Haines. He was about to open his mouth when Charles slapped his chest with the back of his hand. 

Turning to Charles, Haines stepped back upon seeing the solemn look on Charles's face. 'He saw it.'