This isn't over yet

"I don't care who tried to kill Penny, but this school should be ashamed! All of you! Hah! School for the rich?! No. This school, at this point, is a school for bullies!"

When Jessa finished talking, she was already panting. 

"This is ridiculous!" she continued after a few seconds to catch a breath. "One brat is saying everything she wants, and no one calls her out for it. These girls are acting as if they don't deserve to be punished, but they do! They might not be innocent in an attempted murder, but they were just as liable as the culprit!"

"And then you!" she swung her arm and pointed a finger in Ray's direction, making Ray flinch in surprise. "How can you pursue an innocent thirteen-year-old, huh!? Do you know that's bordering on a crime!? If you're a year older, I can sue you for this harassment!"