Was it a lie?

The next day rolled in and, as planned, everyone went to their meeting place, which was the square of District 10. Students from the Summit Excellence Academy and also members of Penny's fan club arrived on time.

Not just the students, but some of the willing teachers decided to attend as well to keep everything in order and for the safety of their students. Some of the parents and guardians also came as support and also for safety. 

Everything was going well, and it was almost perfect.

The only jarring thing about all of this was… this banner.

Penny stood in front of the huge banner with her face on it. Her face twisting in spite the more she looked at this banner. 

Who put a banner in here with her face on it?!

"Oh, gosh…" she pinched the bridge of her nose, recalling she already asked Lily not to put any more banners or posters with her face. But alas, some of them still brought packages with Penny's stickers on them.