Why? Are you part of the bet?

 "I need help with the final exam. Can you tutor me?"

For a second, Penny thought her ears were deceiving her. 

"Haha!" she tugged her earlobes. "First Brother, I think my ears are playing tricks on me. What favor do you need?"

"Professor Singh is only available on the weekends, but I don't want to take any chances. You bet on me, so you need to make sure you coach me to get the gold," he said with a straight face.


Penny was rendered speechless for the first three seconds before she squealed. "Ehh!?!?!"

"Can you help? Or is it too much of a bother?" 

"First brother, I think you're sleepwalking!" Penny laughed nervously. "Why are you asking your little sister for help? Are you running with a fever?"

Atlas pressed his lips and sighed. "I know you're smart…" he paused and slid his eyes to the corner. "... smarter than me."

"!!!" Penny scrunched up her nose and looked at him incredulously. 

Was the world ending?