Master Chef

Apart from the results of the exam, there wasn't anything eventful that everyone looked forward to for the rest of the foundation week. However, the talk about the basketball game was still a hot topic. Perhaps it was because of this that the sales in the horror booth declined. 

Even so, everyone tried to enjoy the rest of the week. After all, the result of the exam will be announced on Tuesday next week. Everyone would rather enjoy this before the moment of truth. 

And just like that, the foundation week passed without any other big events. At least for Penny and the Bennet children. 

"Woah…" Penny's lips formed an o-shape, sitting on the high stool on the counter while her mother busied herself in the kitchen. "Mommy, this is so good!"

Allison smiled in satisfaction. "You liked it?" she asked, resting her hands on the edge of the kitchen counter. 

"I love it!"