What's going on here?

The last week of the school year, the students were only required to go to school for their clearance or whatever they needed to do before the school year ended. Hence, many only came for their clearance or for extra projects to gain some points.

This year, however, was different. 

Mostly came in not just for their clearance or their teacher's mercy, but because they were intrigued to see the result of the ranking. Even though the results would be announced on Tuesday, everyone was already talking about it. 

"Penny, did you complete the signature on your clearance?" Lily came to Penny because Penny was the only one who wasn't running here and there for their teacher's signatures. 

Penny nodded. "Mhm." she already got the headmaster's signature, and that was enough. After all, Penny would be taking an exam in two weeks. 

"Good for you," Lily sighed as she dragged a chair near Penny's. "Penny, what do you think about the result for tomorrow?"