Start of summer break

Start of the summer break — Cortez Household.

Nina sat down on the bed and stared at the little cash she got from her last allowance. Since she stopped taking private transportation services, she hadn't been low on cash. She also stopped buying food outside since Jessa prepared them some lunch boxes.

The problem was, Nina didn't know if this was enough. 

Knock knock

Nina raised her head at the door, catching Yuri peeking her head in. 

"Nina?" Yuri called. "Are you ready now?"

"Yuri…" Nina bit her lips, watching Yuri come in because of the look on her face. "I don't know if we can even do this."

Yuri sat down on the edge of the bed. "Why?"

"I don't think this is enough." Nina jerked her chin to her cash. "I searched online on how much it might cost us, but compared to the price I saw, this is… it's not enough, isn't it?"