She's only 54

Meanwhile, in the Skyline Plaza…

Men in suits stood quietly in the corners of the room, holding their breaths and keeping their eyes down. Tension hung in the air, and the only sound they could hear was their own breathing.

In the middle of the room, a set of couches held a few seated individuals, including medical professionals tending to the man on the couch. They carefully adjusted his IV drips and treated the scratches on his temple and arms with such precision and care, as if they were handling a complex transplant.

Despite their efforts, the nervousness in their eyes lingered.


The still air was suddenly broken by a loud call and a bang as the door swung open.

Everyone instinctively turned to the door, only to see a tall man holding it open. Even though some of the bodyguards inside had never met him, they quickly recognized the natural white streak in his hair on one side.
