I can’t marry twice


The sound of a vase shattering on the floor rang sharply, causing everyone who heard it to panic. Penny jumped in surprise, taking a step back, only to wince when she accidentally stepped on a shard of the vase.

"Ouch..." Penny bit her lip and squatted down to remove the shard from her foot. "Ahh..."

She pursed her lips, holding back her tears. It was just a small wound, so she feared the elders would think she was overreacting if she teared up. She had learned her lesson.

"Oh, no..."

Her attention was drawn to a meek voice nearby. When Penny looked up, her eyes landed on a young girl about her age.

This girl had been teasing Penny moments ago. But since Penny chose to stay quiet and let it go, the girl tried something else to get a reaction from her, ultimately tipping the vase off its stand.

"Sophia..." Penny called out. "Are you hurt?"