Target lock

Minutes ago, in the elevator...

"Sir, are you alright?" asked the bodyguard, noticing Zoren massaging the top of his brow.

Zoren glanced at his bodyguards and squinted.

"Yes," he kept his answer short, straightening his back. "Don't mind me. I'm alright."

The bodyguard lowered his head and took a step back, giving him some space. When the lift arrived at their destination, more bodyguards were already waiting for him outside.

Zoren didn't stop for anyone, heading straight to the ward where Dean was. However, despite the strong and stoic front he maintained, Zoren's vision was blurring with every passing second. His head had been aching since the moment he woke up—probably because of the incident not so long ago.

'I'm not going blind, am I?' he wondered as they made a turn in the hallway.

Snapping his eyes ahead, he caught sight of a woman squeezing herself to the side to make way.