I don't like complicated

Penny hissed and quickly jumped to the side, ready to sneak away from the deadly glare of the security guard and from that annoying omen in the car.


Penny winced when she heard Dean's call. "Great," she hissed, turning her head in his direction.

Dean smiled brightly and jogged to her. "Why are you here? To see me?"

"If I wanted to see you, I would've gone to the hospital," she replied flatly. "Anyway, seeing you fine, that's good! Work well! Have a nice day!"

Having said that, Penny casually saluted and turned. But before she could fully leave, Dean spoke.

"You didn't come to see me?" Dean frowned. "And here I was, assuming you were worried about me. Now, I'm heartbroken."

Penny looked back at him and sported her fakest smile. "The more I hear that remark, the more I'm amazed at you. Your heart always breaks — it makes me wonder if you let it break countless times because you have an unlimited supply of heart."