splinter in my throat.

"See you at lunch."

Benjamin's heart thudded upon hearing Penny's remark. That sounded more like a threat—hadn't she said she would stay away?! He opened his mouth to call her out, but at the same time, Dean came into view.

He furrowed his brows as he watched Dean approach the strange woman.

Dean glanced at Benjamin briefly before stopping in front of Penny.

"Why are you here?" Penny frowned, only to receive a smile from Dean.

"I was worried."

"Oh." She nodded and nonchalantly strutted off.

Dean sighed faintly, glancing back at the deadly glare Benjamin was throwing in his direction. He returned it with a smile before following Penny.

In the elevator, Penny stood motionless beside him.

"Don't follow me next time," she said after a full minute of silence. "You know how much I hate that."

Dean cast her a sidelong glance. "I can't help it. Sometimes following you helps, doesn't it?"