Behind the scenes III

Myriads of questions surged in Benjamin's mind within seconds. All the information he knew about Thursday Girl resurfaced, floating to the forefront of his thoughts like a dead fish in the ocean.

He recalled the biggest details about her, and even the smallest ones that only Zoren would notice — like a tiny mole on her face, barely the size of a dot. Except for the obvious weight loss, Benjamin couldn't help but notice that Penelope Bennet matched Thursday Girl's description.

Not to mention, her cat's name was Chunchun!

Who would name their cat like that? It sounded as if someone were clicking their tongue!

"You are Thursday Girl, then…" Benjamin panicked, turning his attention to the windshield, eyes on the woman approaching his boss. "Who is that?!"

That woman was also carrying a cat and, strangely, she seemed to have Penny's hairstyle and hair color as well, although she appeared a little taller than Penny.