Willing to help

"Sir... you can say 'wow' because if you could see her, you'd definitely say that."

Zoren raised an eyebrow at Benjamin, then followed his gaze to Penny. Although he couldn't see what Benjamin was seeing, he could tell how the red dress accentuated her skin. Her lips were painted the same shade of red — very different from the colors she had worn in their previous encounters.

As for Benjamin, who could see all the colors, he almost clapped at how perfectly the dress fit her, as if it were custom-made. She had matched it with a red hair ribbon, making the slight wave in her hair appear like curls.

'So pretty…!' Benjamin couldn't help but feel in awe, not even noticing the slight displeasure in her eyes. 'Didn't the Young Master say his Thursday Girl is healthy? I thought he meant a different kind of healthy, not literally healthy.'