Doesn't mind skipping a few steps

Surprised, intrigued, and a little confused, Butler Jen blinked, witnessing all types of emotions unfolding right before his eyes.

"Oh, Penny!" Allison's excited voice broke the brief silence. "I guess your date doesn't mind skipping a few steps!"

Allison giggled, shaking Penny as if they were the same age.

"Oh..." Penny cleared her throat and glanced at everyone else. She could see the fiery look in their eyes as if they were ready to meet Zoren and bury him somewhere.

"You all behave, alright?" Allison instructed, knowing her daughter's worry. "If any of you ruin this special day, you will get a piece of me!"

Charles and her sons kept their lips tightly sealed. They heard Allison, but at the same time, they were curious about what type of clown had seduced Penny.

"Penny?" Allison faced her daughter once more. "Let's go meet your date."