Please stay married!

Meanwhile, in the Skyline Plaza, Zoren's mansion, Benjamin paced back and forth in the entryway. 

Today was Sunday, and he shouldn't be here. However, he had heard that his boss went on a date with Penny! Of course, Benjamin couldn't wait until tomorrow to see how it went.

'My boss has never gone out with someone in the past. All of his dates ended minutes after they started, and I arranged most of them!' Benjamin shook his head, his stress level continuing to skyrocket. 'This is the first time he asked someone on a date and planned everything from start to finish!'

It wasn't that Benjamin had little faith in Zoren—he had no faith at all!

How could his boss know what to do? 

Zoren was inexperienced, and as harsh as it may be, he had a weird, dry humor.