Mission success


"Penny?! Come out! I know you're there! Come out now while I'm being nice!" 

Penny hid behind a long line of bushes in the garden with a sour expression. 'Being nice? I can feel your anger from a mile away!' she mentally hissed, hugging Chunchun to make sure her cat wouldn't give away their location. 

Penny could've run straight to the gates, but she knew Atlas well. The guards would've stopped her from going out, and she didn't want to hurt anyone. 

'I just want to go out for some fresh air,' she mentally wept. 'Why are they even awake at this hour?'

Except for the Bennet children, everyone in the mansion should've been sleeping. Ever since Penny returned home, she had gotten used to everyone's schedule. It wasn't any different from before, frankly. The only difference was that there were times her brothers came home late, Hugo especially.