Mini heart attacks

Today, Zoren's first realization of the day was... this was how he wanted to wake up every day. Perhaps, even if his body wanted to give in, he would still wake up if this was what he was going to wake up to.

"Good morning, wife."

Zoren propped his temple against his knuckles, his eyes squinting to see her features more clearly. Unlike in the past several weeks, he could now make out the shape of her face.

'A small face, her cheeks a little plump.' His lips curled up subtly as he poked her cheek lightly. He then continued to trace her face with his fingertips. 'Her eyebrows are slightly thin, her eyelashes are quite long, her nose small and a bit pointy, and her jaw... is a little small.'

Considering the image of the young Penny in his mind, he could clearly imagine her face now as an adult.