

Penny sat at the bus stop, waiting for the bus. Her listless eyes were cast down, unsure of what weighed her down more — was it her exhaustion from working tirelessly, or getting scolded by Atlas after helping him resolve an issue?

"What an ungrateful man," she mumbled, kicking the air lazily. She was already numb to Atlas's usual scolding whenever he saw her at the company, but sometimes, it frustrated her. "It's not like I don't know he doesn't like me, but if someone offers help, the last thing they should do is scold them. How unfair."

Another deep sigh escaped her. Still, she felt relieved that the issue was fixed despite the reprimand afterward. By now, Penny was too tired and too numb to dwell on Atlas's reaction. It wasn't the first time, nor the second, or even the third. This had been happening since they were children, and it continued into their adulthood.

What was new?
