If this isn't fate, I don't know what it is!

Zoren arrived at the restaurant early, not wanting to keep his woman waiting. As he sat, he heard a familiar voice outside the private dining room before the door slid open. From the newcomer's scent alone, Zoren immediately knew who it was.

"Ray," he called out, snapping his eyes toward the entrance.

Ray's face lit up as he hurried to take the seat next to Zoren. "Cousin, are you really going to introduce your wife to me?" His excitement was palpable, growing even more when Zoren nodded.

"Really?" he pressed, clasping his hands together. "Did she say yes?"



Zoren smiled subtly, sensing just how pleased his cousin was. "Though you might need to behave yourself."

"Cousin, I am your only ally! Don't worry, I won't embarrass you at all!" Ray reassured him, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

What was Zoren's wife like?