Let me borrow your surname!

Penny stared at the beautiful man lying so peacefully on the bed. Despite the obvious injuries on his body and his pale—almost dead—complexion, he was indeed a true beauty. She glanced at the door before approaching the bed from the side.

"Wow," she murmured in awe, waving a hand before his face. "Are you dead?"

Penny blinked and stared at him for a long time, tilting her head to the side.

Was this the moment for the prince to give a true love kiss?

Her lips pursed at the thought, her eyes squinting until they looked like crescent moons. She looked a little perverted. Perhaps this was the kind of expression princes had upon finding a beauty lying there for them to devour.

As Penny's mind grew wilder by the second, his eyes slowly cracked open. Her brows rose, snapping her out of her perverted thoughts. She slowly lowered her gaze to him, watching his long lashes flutter partially open.