Because I believe her


"Miss Bennet, is it true that you're part of this grand scheme...?"

"What's your brothers' involvement in all of this?"

"Miss Bennet, why did you do such a thing? Are you not ashamed of what you've done to your family?"

Reporters swarmed around the police officers escorting Penny to the station. Penny flinched at the camera flashes and microphones being shoved in her face. Though the police tried to hold them back, they could only do so much.

"Miss Penelope!"

"Miss Bennet!"

"Why would you do such a thing?"

"Was your brother, the soldier, involved too?"

"Slater Bennet's your brother, Miss Bennet—does he have a say in this?!"

"The Prime Group was part of this scheme... is that how your family accumulated its wealth?!"