What a situation she got herself into

A little part of Atlas wanted to believe that his sister wouldn't marry a man on the brink of death. He wanted to believe she wasn't crazy enough to take advantage of a dying man. That's why he asked for the marriage certificate—he didn't want to believe Zoren. 

But this little document in his hand, confirming Zoren's explanation, made it clear: Penny's most dangerous poison was alcohol.

"Ah…" Atlas ruffled his hair in frustration, unable to stop glaring at her again. 

Penny flinched a little, frowning. "Sorry for not telling you, First Brother," she said pitifully, hoping Atlas was calm enough to hear her out. "I swear, I didn't know at first. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you. You already have your hands full with the Bennet Family and the company."

She studied him, hoping her explanation would calm him down. When she noticed that Atlas only gave her a deadpan look, she cleared her throat.