A guest at this hour?

[It's not that I hate you, Dean. It's just that... your very presence makes me uncomfortable. That's the only thing I always feel around you—perhaps anger as well.]

[I appreciate the constant warnings and worry, but throw another threat my way again, and you'll see what I do. Who knows? I might suddenly decide to become your aunt.]

[Now, off you go, and the next time you want to see me, set up an appointment. You have Yugi's number, right?]

In the backseat of the car, Dean hissed as he glared out the window.

Ever since Dean left Penny's office, all of her remarks replayed in his head like a broken record. Their relationship hadn't been the best, but unlike now, it was much more tolerable. She had been direct, but not this repulsed.

It all started when she accepted Zoren's application for Prime Group's services.