Zip me up

[Zoren's Place]

Zoren rested his cheek on his knuckles, seated on the couch in his room, his eyes on his beautiful wife, all dressed up before him.

"Pretty?" she asked, a wide grin on her face. "Like it?"

Penny had three dress choices for tonight's event and had shown him each one. Honestly, Zoren didn't know why she was asking him when she knew he couldn't see well. Not that he didn't enjoy the experience, but there was something off.

"That one is perfect," he said casually, reaching out a hand to her.

Penny smirked, knowing it was the first dress she'd picked and also the one he'd liked the most. She marched over and shamelessly sat on his lap, aware that it was exactly where he'd want her.

"Why are you asking me which one I like when I can't even see properly?" he asked, wrapping an arm around her waist as soon as she settled on his lap. "Is something wrong?"