Evil. That was who she was!

Without thinking twice, Mark listened to his gut feeling and ran back to the guesthouse. Aside from the work ethic her men told him about, there was one thing Angel had told Mark in all seriousness:

[She's very sharp. So, don't lie to her because she'll know.]

Angel's words repeated in his mind like a broken record, and when Mark reached the guesthouse, what Angel said proved to be true: Nathaniel wasn't there anymore.

Standing in front of the bedroom where Nathaniel had been staying, Mark fished his phone out and called one of the men.

"She's with that guy, Nathaniel," he breathed out, his heart thudding. "Check the CCTVs and see if they snuck out. The rest can keep looking."

"We're already on it—oh, we found her…" the person on the other end of the line trailed off.

Picking up on the sudden silence, Mark's expression darkened. "What is it?"

"Uh… Captain?" The person sounded unsure. "They didn't sneak out, but…"
