The devil within

"Can I trust you with everything?"

Another wave of silence fell on Zoren's and Penny's shoulders after her question. Normally, he would've answered quickly without batting an eye, as it was an easy question.

Of course, she could trust him.

However, the way she asked made him realize it wasn't just a simple question that required a yes or no answer. It came from a place of fear and desperation, as if her life depended on it. Thus, he didn't answer immediately, even when he knew he could.

"235144," Zoren replied after a tense silence hung between them. "That's the passcode to my safe. It contains all the files that I wouldn't want anyone to see or even know about. If you want to bring me down, you may go there. I put your name as someone who could access it anytime."

Zoren then took a careful step forward. "A few years ago, I asked Renny to tear a person's limb. Though he is alive, he won't be able to walk again."