"You're alive." 

Deep lines appeared between Hugo's brows because this time, it was clear. This was the third time she had said this to him. They weren't the exact words, but they carried the same meaning. 

It seemed to her—while in a drunken state—that he was dead. 


"Of course I am?" He tilted his head to the side, ready to clarify that. "Am I not supposed to be?" 

'Mhm. You're supposed to be dead,' Penny pressed her lips together, staring at him. "Hugo." 

"Penny, why do you keep calling me by my first name?" Hugo blurted out with an awkward laugh. "Did I do something to you?" 

Was he not worthy to be called brother anymore?

Instead of answering, she poked his chest again before deciding to pinch his cheek. Her eyes swirled with genuine wonder, not caring about how he winced.