I love you


Charles and Allison jumped away from each other, shocked by the loud noise that clapped in their ears. Turning their heads toward the door, deep lines appeared between their brows.

"Penny?" Charles called in surprise, looking his daughter up and down. "Pen—"

Charles was about to stand up, only to stop when he realized he was wearing only underwear beneath the blanket. As for Allison, she instinctively fixed her night robe, hugging herself to ensure nothing was exposed.

"Hey, Penny!" Suddenly, Slater's voice followed Penny before he appeared at her side. "Pen—"

Slater stopped and intuitively gazed around the bedroom, darting his eyes between his mother and father. He squinted suspiciously.

"Hey, you brat! Why are you looking at us like that, huh?!" Charles yelled as soon as he saw the look on Slater's face.

"Dad!" Slater shouted back. "Mom! What's going on here?! Are you just—oh my god. Don't tell me…!"