Very old photograph

Sven grumpily walked to his car, his heart swelling with fury at how Atlas had humiliated him. Even though it was just the two of them, Atlas should've reconsidered. After all, Atlas should know that begging him was the last thing Sven would do in this life, but Sven still did.

Why did Sven do that? Why did he swallow his pride and go to see Atlas for the last time?

Because at the end of the day, Sven wanted to regain his former glory through Global Prime Logistics and the Bennet Family. However, Atlas couldn't see that. He wasn't as insightful as he thought he was.

"That damn Atlas…" he gritted his teeth, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Looking up through the windshield, he glared daggers at the mansion. "Damn this family!"

Sven punched the steering wheel like a maniac, venting his overflowing anger. Panting, his eyes burned as he continued to glare at the mansion.