I saw you

Listening to Finn made Penny realize just how relatable he was. It surprised her that she could relate to him on so many levels. All this time, she had thought that another person who experienced the same phenomenon as her would be more dreadful and alarming. But it was more than that.

That thinking was shallow, and she only realized that now.

Finn and Penny shared the same phenomenon, but unlike Penny, who had to change her life entirely, Finn had it a lot easier. After all, he didn't have to go through all the side gigs she did just to survive. Well, Penny had to survive poverty first, before facing her impending doom, right?

Finn was not like that.

Finn had a good life. He was the son of a successful couple with generational wealth. He was also smart and an excellent student from the beginning. All of his achievements in this lifetime stemmed from his first life.