Lovelife, you're the best~!

"Sir." A man in a suit called out, his eyes on the man seated in the wing chair, which was facing the empty fireplace. When the man in the chair slightly moved his head, the standing man approached and stopped just a step behind him.

Leaning forward, he whispered something to the seated man. Once he finished, he straightened his back.

"Hah…" The seated man let out a hum, tilting his head in understanding. The corner of his mouth curled in amusement. "Let it be."

"But they said they can't recover all the files, and even if they do, it could take months—maybe even a year or two."

The man in the chair nodded. "And let them be. Burn them all completely. I'm certain that fixing even a few of those devices will backfire on us."

"Yes, sir." The man standing behind him bowed his head. "I'll send the message immediately."

The man in the chair remained silent as the other turned to leave. However, the latter paused when his boss spoke again.