Would it ever

[Prime Group]

"Hey, hey~" Yugi leaned on the doorjamb, eyes on Penny behind her desk. He raised a few pages of a document, smiling. "Guess what this is?"

Penny's brows rose, and just seeing his face, her lips stretched into a smile. "Is it done?"

"Is that even a question?" he chuckled, walking in and dropping the papers in front of her. "Take a look. These are the initial entries, Penny."

"Hehe." Penny picked up the papers, skimming through them excitedly. "Wow, lots of familiar names, I see."

Yugi rocked his head, hands on the edge of the desk, his eyes on Penny. "Well, a million-dollar prize is bound to bring people out of the woodwork."

"Heh." Penny leaned back, pleased. "Good work."

"I didn't do much." Yugi pushed himself away, blinking. "Penny, are you sure about this?"