A good mom

Yugi's confusion wasn't a lie, even though he knew what had happened to Finn. How could Yugi not know when he was the one who sent people to follow him? But then again, Yugi had no idea just how serious Nina was about her engagement. 

Yugi thought it was all just a game — a puppy love.

After all, Nina was too young to marry. Considering she was a smart woman, he knew she would eventually snap out of it. Penny was like that; she would lose her mind for a moment and then snap back to reality. 

But from what he had heard from his family, it seemed Yugi had underestimated the situation. 

"Goodness. That little beggar and her goldfish memory," Jessa hissed, now eating some home-cooked meals in the living area of Yugi's place. "How could she not tell you about all of this?" 

"I think she told me," Yugi said, just playing with his food, barely taking bites as he lost his appetite. "I just thought she wasn't that serious."