
As instructed, Sven acted the second the clock struck twelve. Sliding the door open carefully, he peeked his head out and looked left and right. Unlike usual, there wasn't anyone around, as if everyone were giving him time to do what he had been tasked to do from the start.

This only showcased the power of the person—the man who had put him in this situation.

"Not important," Sven muttered, shaking his head to push away the sudden thoughts and fear that surged within him.

He carefully stepped out, closing the door quietly behind him. "Ward at the end of this floor," he reminded himself, turning right and walking toward it. When he reached the end room of the ward, he glanced from left to right again.

"Hah!" he huffed, mustering the courage to open the door carefully. Seeing that the ward was unoccupied, Sven stepped in.