
"Why don't you just admit that you've done this alone? That'll help us get a lighter sentence."

Sven's heart sank as he stared at his lawyer with wide eyes, disbelief evident on his face as he tried to process what the lawyer was telling him.

[Are you sure you want to drag them into this?]

That question alone should've been enough for Sven to put two and two together. However, he was in denial and hadn't paid attention to it. But now that the lawyer was being blunt, it was clear that this man hadn't come to help him—he was here to remind Sven of the people Sven planned to implicate with him.

'I should've known.' Sven hung his head low, feeling his strength slowly drain. 'When they made Allen's incident look like an unlucky accident, I should've known they could do that to me too.'

If not for whatever Atlas did, Allen would have been painted as a greedy thief.

But with this?