Guilt kills


"I did everything, Atlas. Everything. I worked and studied ten times harder than anyone else, all in hopes you'd like me. I enrolled in martial arts classes to have something in common with Hugo, and I even studied music and arts so I'd have something to talk about with Slater."

"So yes, I am jealous, because Nina didn't have to do any of that for you all to like her!"

How could you say all of that?

Atlas looked at Penny through the glass, watching as her chapped lips curled into a sinister smile. Her eyes shone with tears, but she was smiling and even giggling.

He couldn't recognize her.

Was this really the Penny he knew?

"You really are something. I knew it. I knew you were bad news the day you came into our house," Atlas breathed out, barely processing the cruel things she'd just uttered. "Well, at least now I understand."

No, he didn't understand at all.
