Up to something interesting


"Penny—" Yugi stopped as soon as he opened the door, only to be greeted by a thick wave of silence. When his eyes landed on the person behind the desk, he furrowed his brows.

"Uhh… Penny?" he called. "Is this a good time?"

But Penny didn't answer. She just sat in her spot, holding her hands in front of her face, deep in thought. It didn't even seem like she knew he was there, though he doubted that. Penny might have looked mentally absent, but there was no way she didn't know Yugi was there.

Her lack of response only meant she was busy thinking about something. Hence, she ignored him to avoid being distracted.

"I guess now's not a good time," Yugi shrugged. "Penny, I'll send you a soft copy of some files. I'll come back when you're not planning to ignore me anymore."