I’m looking for… a sneaky rat.

"Of course, I went there. I even bought a few pieces. The collection was amazing… hihi—I could be saying that at the party, but here I am, peeling potatoes," a young woman standing near Penny muttered, talking to herself as she peeled more potatoes. "Damn it."

"Mom, of course… ha ha. Yes, I'm getting along with everyone." The man with them laughed awkwardly, speaking quietly on the phone. "Mom, I can't stay on the line for long—yes… of course, I'll give—wait, the line is having trouble. I can't hear you—szzt!"

He huffed as he reluctantly ended the call, his face showing bitterness. "Jesus."

"My hands can't peel any more of these," another mas mumbled listlessly. "At this rate, I might have to find something to massage my hands and smooth out the calluses I've gained since joining this family."