He had lost count

"Can't you see? I'm throwing trash. Why don't you help? I really need a hand here."

Some gasped while others just stared at Penny in horror. They understood that some people were naturally bold and adventurous, while others simply believed they had nine lives to spare.

They believed Penny was the latter.

Surely, newcomers like her thought too lightly of the Pierson family hierarchy. If Dean was another distant relative, there wouldn't be a problem. But Dean—he was from the first branch of the family!

'This brat! What is she doing?!' Mildred clasped her chest, afraid she might have a heart attack because of Penny. 'All these years protecting everyone who enters the family… and she's going to ruin herself with one stupid move!'

Those in Penny's group shook their heads, with the guy (who had lied to his mother) making a chopping motion in front of his neck to warn Penny.