Mark's dread


For a while, Penny was rendered speechless. "You aren't sure about inviting Ray, but you're going to hold it at the place that he runs? Don't you know he's the headmaster there now?"

"Hehe. I know, but the Summit School of Excellence is a memorable place. If we're going to hold a reunion, isn't it better to do it where it was founded?" Lily argued in a knowing tone. "Anyway, I'm going to prepare now. I'll send you the invite list. Check it when you have some free time today. Ciao~"

Penny's response was a simple hum, and she heard the call end immediately. "As if I'm going. I'm sure Mark will beg me not to, as well," she murmured, not planning to attend that reunion. After all, she didn't start it—she didn't even want that fan club to begin with.

Why would she put any effort into it?