just like I remember

[State Prison]

"What do you want? If you came here to scold me, save it." Sven frowned deeply, gazing at his father across the table.

Unlike the last visit, where there had been a glass wall between him and Atlas, Sven was taken into a normal visitation room. This time, he could see his father eye to eye and even hold his hand. Not that he planned to hold it.

"Sven, how are you inside, hmm?" Stephen asked, his eyes scanning his son from head to toe. "Were you being picked on in here?"

Sven scrunched up his nose and hissed. "What are you expecting to hear from me, Father? That I'm doing fine in here? Whether or not I'm being picked on, I'm still locked up."

Back then, Sven wouldn't have spoken to his father in such a manner. Although he was always tempted to talk back, he never did, out of fear. However, times had changed. Now that Sven was in prison, even if Stephen wanted to beat him up, he couldn't do as much as he pleased.