Who do you think is the top and bottom?

One of the things about reunions wasn't just catching up and reminiscing about the good memories of the past with friends. It was also about seeing how different everyone had become and how much they had changed over the years. 

A few people who didn't stand out in the past had undergone mind-blowing transformations as adults. If anyone were going to be set as an example, it would be Slater Bennet. It wasn't that Slater didn't have an angelic face as a child, but because of his personality and attitude, only a few people could appreciate his beauty when he was so pathetic back then.

Slater's popularity didn't really take off until after that one school year when he managed to climb into the top rankings of his class and the festival where he sang a cover song. Even so, compared to twelve years ago, Slater's beauty now was definitely rare—one in a billion. One couldn't get enough of looking at him. That's why he was a superstar. 

But this wasn't about Slater.